CMC Poison Control Centre
The Poison Control Centre at CMC Vellore, consists of a Poisons Information Centre, a Clinical Toxicology Unit and an Analytical Toxicology laboratory. It was established in 2019 and is the 8th centre in India to be included to the World Health Organization's directory of Poison Control Centres. The CMC PCC strives to reduce the burden of death and disability due to poisonings and envenomings in South Asia through clinical care, education, outreach, and research.

Poison Control Centre
The Poisons Information Poisons Information Centre is supported in its activities through a seamless integration with the Clinical Toxicology Unit in the Department of Medicine and laboratory support offered by the Clinical Biochemistry and Neurochemistry laboratories. Regional patients in need for advanced toxicology care and hospitals requesting assistance through toxicology tests and assays are guided through the poison information Poisons Information Centre. The Clinical Toxicology unit is involved in providing care for patients with poisonings and venomous bites and stings as inpatients, outpatients and provides interdepartmental consultations across the Institution. Our services include: 24-hour Poisons Information Poisons Information Centre– Emergency information on poisonings and venomous bites and stings Inpatient and ambulatory management of patients with acute and chronic poisonings Interdepartmental consultations Management of substance use disorders Analytical toxicology