Poisons Information

Since its inception in 2019, the CMC Poisons Information Centre (CMC-PIC) has supported healthcare providers at satellite primary and secondary care centers with rapid information on diagnostic aspects of poisonings and envenomings, antidotes, clinical stabilisation of poisoned patients and guidance on early and appropriate referral. It continues to work towards contributing to an overall decline in the disability burden and deaths due to poisonings, toxic gas exposures and snakebites through community outreach interventions for incident prevention, worker safety and providing the general public with information on first aid for poisonings, bites and stings.

The CMC Poisons Information Centre is a 24-hour free service, active 7 days a week throughout the year, that provides emergency information related to poisonings and venomous bites & stings. The calls are received by physicians with experience and training in Clinical Toxicology. Callers may be healthcare providers like doctors, nurses or paramedics or the public.
The service can be accessed through 

Do you have a query about any of the following?

– Accidental or intentional poisoning
– Snakebite
– Scorpion sting or centipede bite
– Bee or wasp sting
– Industrial or workplace-related chemical incidents

Do you need advice or assistance with clinical diagnosis in patients with poisoning or snakebite?

When calling the poison centre, be ready to provide the following information:

1. Symptoms
2. Age and weight of the person
3. Time of the incident
4. Name of the product and ingredients (if known)
5. Amount of product involved
6. Any first aid already performed

We are here to help you

When calling the poison centre, be ready to provide the following information:


Get emergency help for Poisonings, Bites & Stings!