Excellence Award for Management of Poisoning by a Hospital” awarded to CMC, Vellore by the Indian Society of Toxicology
CMC was awarded the “Excellence Award for Management of Poisoning by a Hospital” at the 15th Annual National Conference of the Indian Society of Toxicology, held from 10th – 12th December 2021, in Madurai, Tamil Nadu. Instituted by the Indian Society of Toxicology and the Indian College of Emergency Medicine, the Award aims to promote toxicology care, training, and research.
Illustrative examples of how hospitals have responded to toxicological challenges in their regions; contributed to toxicology; upheld standards of quality and safety in poisoning care and achieved important milestones in developing toxicological services, were used as judging criteria.
The entry from CMC highlighted the recently established Poison Control Center and plasma exchange therapy for Yellow Phosphorus and Metal Phosphide (YPMP) poisoned patients with acute liver failure, as case examples where the Institution responded to crucial challenges in toxicology-related healthcare delivery with an aim towards improving the quality of poisoning care both, for its own patients and those being treated in centers across India